Entries by Dr.-Ing. Volkmar Wasmansdorff

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Saving OPEX with “AFT OPT” TECHNOLOGY and fulfill EEDI-3 and CII

MOVENA offers qualified clients a unique ship newbuilding design service in joint cooperation with our technology partner “LR Shipdesign AG“. The “Patented Lindinger Hull” optimisation considers previously widely neglected hydro-dynamical and hydro-mechanical effects with an own software tool for CFD integration. The technology was developped originally based on aerodynamical analysis of aircraft wing systems (surface […]

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A Passenger Vessel in the Box

MOVENA KOREA proudly signed the following new contracts for 2019: Technical support for a 1,200 pax passenger vessel newbuilding for TANZANIA (Lake Victoria), design of propulsion shafting and rudder system, procurement specification, material/components inspections etc. Korean GAS Entec is the main contractor for this investment. The newbuilding shall enable travel of passengers at Lake Victoria, […]

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Partnership with LOEWE MARINE

Congratulation, LOEWE MARINE, to your successful new business activities on occasion of SMM Hamburg, September 2018. We proudly enjoy the partnership in excellence with your highly qualified, reliable, service and solution oriented team – in particular for our joint international activities with Movena Korea Co. Ltd, Busan! More information: LOEWE MARINE, MOVENA KOREA

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First Contract for Rudder Production between LOEWE MARINE and KOPICO for European shipyard

On 20 June 2018, the first contract for rudder production was signed in our MOVENA office in Busan/S-Korea between LOEWE MARINE (Bremen/Hamburg) and KOPICO Co. Ltd. The rudder was ordered by a European shipyard for two RoRo vessel newbuildings. LOEWE MARINE is the lead party in this contract and mainly in charge of rudder design […]